Monday, April 7, 2014


We have added lots of new items to the shop for the spring season and Easter Holiday!
Easter Wine Glasses
Easter "buckets" (baskets)
Wild flower vases (a small vase to display flowers picked by little children)
Be sure to check them out!

DIY Easter Egg Wreath!

Spring is here and before we know it the Easter Bunny will be on his way! I love decorating for the different seasons and especially the holidays! And as always DIY crafts are a favorite of mine! One of my first crafts of this spring season was this Easter Egg wreath...its most definitely in the spirit of the season and so easy/cheap to create! I had some of the supplies on hand so it cost me under $10 to make and took less then 30 minutes! Heres How...

DIY Easter Egg Wreath
Supplies Needed:
* Plastic Eggs
* Styrofoam wreath form
* sheer glittery ribbon (the wider the better...youre going to use this to cover your Styrofoam)
* wooden cross (you could also change it up and use a family initial or something else in place of the cross)
* glue (make sure its strong holding and fairly weather resistant)

1- wrap your Styrofoam wreath form with the sheer ribbon. (Note: if you move directly into step 2 you don't need to glue the ribbon down, the glue from the eggs will hold it in place)
2- Glue your cross onto the ribbon/Styrofoam
3- Glue plastic eggs around the Styrofoam form - mix colors and or sizes as you see fit.
4- Allow the glue to dry a good 24 hours, hang on your door and enjoy!

**a few other ideas for this wreath would be to add in some plastic easter grass, or even to do the entire wreath in eggs with no wooden shapes added

Have fun with this quick craft and feel free to post pictures of your egg wreaths in the comments!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Our baby boy is here!

Well our little bundle of joy decided he was a bit impatient so instead of waiting until the end of March like he was supposed to, Trenton entered the world March 1st at 2:51 am! Hes as precious as they get and we feel incredibly blessed to have 2 amazing little boys!
Being 4 weeks premature these past few weeks have been a bit crazy (then again with what newborn ISNT life a little crazy!?) But we are now settling in well as he has finally received a clean bill of health!
Now that life isn't quite so chaotic and I'm almost done catching up on orders placed while we were in the hospital I am working on some new items (easter, paintings, woodworking and more!) Stay tuned!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Last Day!

Happy Friday!!

Just a friendly reminder that today is the LAST DAY to enter in the St Patrick's Day Pint Glass giveaway on my Facebook page!
If you haven't yet, be sure to follow the simple instructions & enter!

I've been working on quite a few projects this week all that should be wrapping up over this weekend - more to come on that soon!

Feel free to share any projects you have in the works - I'd love to see them!

Have a great weekend!

Xo Kendall Marie

Saturday, February 22, 2014

NEW ITEM! Nautical Theme Painting

As I work on the rooms in my house I'm decorating (now that the craft closet is checked off the list I'm down to a Nautical Theme Nursery and a Cowboy Theme Little Boy's Room) I'm trying to branch out and try different crafts/DIY Projects (Paintings, curtains, wall vinyls etc.) Some haven't turned out exactly as I've hoped, but the majority I'm really loving how they are coming out and so as they are completed I'll be adding them to my etsy shop!

Today I added my first one - A nautical theme canvas painting perfect for a nautical themed nursery, little boy or even little girl's room (the colors of the painting can easily be changed up to be a little more 'girlie' if desired.)  The acrylic canvas painting states "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (symbolized with a starfish) Always Remember How Loved You Are"

A variety of canvas sizes are available with pricing starting at $20.  To order your own nautical painting click {here

Friday, February 21, 2014

End Grain Cutting Boards

Glass, Plastic, Wood - what is your cutting board made out of?

Since my husband has taken up woodworking I have learned of the benefits to your knives of using wooden cutting boards over glass or even plastic cutting boards, and have also learned that cutting boards can serve the dual purpose of being a truly beautiful decoration in your kitchen.

A Fine Handcrafted Hardwood cutting board may be more expensive then a plastic or glass board you could get elsewhere - but the beauty of the cheaper boards can in no way be compared.  Made of a variety of wood (cherry, walnut, maple, etc.) the amazing color and detail of the wood grain immediately draws the attention of everyone who enters our kitchen.

In addition to this, the natural way the End Grain of the wood gives and then self heals with each cut allows for an ideal cutting surface that not only lasts longer itself but also doesn't dull your knives like other surfaces. 

Not only are the design patterns for end grain cutting boards endless, but it can truly be said that no two are the same as they each have their own uniqueness from the natural wood.  Here are a few that my husband has made - each one different and each as beautiful as the other - which design do you like best?

Craft Closet Complete!

Earlier this week I mentioned a few projects I've been working on this week - 3 rooms in our new house (talk about exhausting!) - A Nautical Theme Nursery, Cowboy Theme Boy's Room (not quite completed yet but I'm very excited to say the entire room remodel will be for under $40! - More on that later!) , and my very own Craft Closet!! I've been working on little projects for each of these throughout the week (vinyl wall decor, paintings, hanging pictures, etc.) but decided it'd be best to first finish my craft closet as getting my craft supplies re-organized will certainly help the other projects go much smoother!
I'm so excited to have a craft closet - as any DIY craft person knows, a craft area can sometimes look a lot like a natural disaster area! Sketches out, paintbrushes out, wine glasses drying, etc. while I always re-organize all my supplies when I'm done and leave the area (previously my kitchen table) without a trace of the disaster that was once there it's not uncommon for my craft area to look like more damage then good mid-way thru my process.  So I'm very excited to have an area that I can keep all my supplies out instead of boxed up, and can close off the disaster work-in-progress scene without having to pick it all up when we have company come over -  It's the little things!  :)
Putting together the Craft Closet
1 - Pick the closet: The closet we chose to use is a 2 door coat closet at the top of our stairs. Our new house has SO much more room then our previous house that we've easily been able to sacrifice this additional coat closet. 
2 - Color theme - while it's not mandatory, I decided I wanted a color theme for my craft closet. Having just a little over a year ago had a black & white theme wedding, I had a bunch of baskets & boxes saved that went with this color scheme so I decided to make this the theme of my craft closet.
3 - Shelves - In addition to the standard wire rack at the top of the closet,  my husband cut for me 2 shelves the length of the entire closet.  I knew I wanted one around 'desk height' to do the majority of my work, so I went ahead and painted that board (solid black with a white pattern) and had it installed. Next was deciding whether I wanted the other board cut to make multiple shelves on each side or one full length board above my newly installed 'desk'  After talking it over and looking at some of the supplies I would be needing to store on the shelf I decided it would make most sense to have the single full length shelf - so I painted this board white with a black design sponged onto it.

I've now fully 'moved-in' to the craft closet - my husband plans on installing some lighting under the shelf above my desk which will be nice, and I do plan on adding to the craft closet (ribbon holders, vinyl holders, etc.) over the next few weeks - rather then making the decision solely based off looks, I want to see where things will fit best practically. 

So - for now - shy of a little more organization, here is the finished closet!! I just love it! :)
Do you have a craft room or closet where you do your work?
Any tips/suggestions on what to add to the closet?
Xo Kendall Marie