Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What crafts are you working on?

Saw this today and got a laugh out of it...it's SO true for me! Thought I'd share for my fellow DIY/Craft-lovers :)

What crafts are you working on this week???
First 3 to comment with what they're working on will receive a $10 gift certificate to my Etsy shop!
**Please include a valid email address with your comment so I can email you the gift certificate code!**  
Having just moved into a new house I have a nautical theme nursery, cowboy theme little boy's bedroom and craft closet all in the works each being put together with DIY projects - some of which will be added to my shop once they are done - can't wait to share pictures!  
For now here is a sneak peak of one of the canvas pictures I painted for my son's cowboy theme room - he was very specific in wanting it to look like him on a horse with a laso ;)
Can't wait to hear what you have in the works!
Xo Kendall Marie

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